
class Task[source]#

Bases: Config

Orders the rows of a CSV file according to the order given by a reference file

Both files must have the same number of rows, and both must have a column of a given name with the same values, possibly ordered differently.

prog_: ClassVar[Optional[str]] = 'reorder_csv'#

Program name

ini_strict_sections_: ClassVar[Sequence[str]] = ['reorder_csv']#

Names of additional sections to parse in configuration files, unknown keys error

ini_relaxed_sections_: ClassVar[Sequence[str]] = ['reorder']#

Names of sections to parse in configuration files, with unknown keys ignored

env_prefix_: ClassVar[str] = 'RASSINE'#

Prefix for automatically derived environment variable names

config: Sequence[pathlib.Path][Sequence[Path]]#

Use the specified configuration files.

Files can be separated by commas/the command can be invoked multiple times.

root: Path[Path]#

Root path of the data, used as a base for other relative paths

logging_level: LoggingLevel[LoggingLevel]#

Logging level to use

column: str[str]#

Column to order by

reference: Path[Path]#

Reference file for ordering

file: Path[Path]#

CSV file to reorder

__init__(config, root, logging_level, column, reference, file)#